Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cool City

In modern times has the attention of people in the cool cities so that we can find solutions to the problems we are experiencing such as emission of carbon dioxide. SDCJ is one of those cities in the world hopes that the future of cities free of carbon.

City seeking a normal life and include hotels, schools, sports clubs and offices, etc. Also seeks to be normally as possible, but reducing the production of CO2. Transportation has become easy and available at the same time and will have the opportunity to convey water as well. City will provide them with a large area of barking to use the largest number of cars. SDCJ have several methods and ways of energy and solar energy will be behind hydropower. SDCJ have several methods and ways of energy and solar energy will be behind hydropower. High efficiency appliances and lighting, refrigerators will be used to provide energy in addition to many other aspects.

In my view, this project would not be practical for several reasons. First, there is a group of people cannot pay to live there. Secondly, there was underground water for cooling, knowing it is bad, will use the sea because of pollution after the completion of the rotation will be returned to the sea again. This project requires time and planning to suit the way of life, and will hold your time to be able to live in this place.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact that someone’s activities will have on the environment, measured in units of carbon dioxide produced. To reduce a carbon footprint is beneficial to the environment, which is why there are calculators to measure and reduce these footprints.
I calculated my footprint at the
http://footprint.wwf.org.uk/ website and got score 20.4.

I realized that I could do a lot more than I do to help out in the world. I do consume a lot of electricity and use the air-conditioner and lights an awful a lot. Second of all, I feel I should really try eating healthier and be on a better diet of foods.Third, I could do my part to make more space at home and be cleaner.

I have a habit of leaving electricity swishes on standby all the time. My computer, the T.V. and the even my Sony. I have made a lot of reductions. I hope that because I never have a room without switching off any appliances I have been using. I always make sure not to download at night or overload on electricity. Second I need to start trying dome fresh fruits and eating a variety of fresh vegetables in my diet. I usually eat a little more fish because I really like fish. I will cut down on any lambor or beef products. Third I'm making more space in my house. I'm rearranging things and getting rid of useless things, like old papers, boxes and junk. I always make sure to clean after myself and not leave needless trash around the floor.

To sum, I think the world would be a better place with low carbon footprint. Everyone can take a step toward making our world a better place to live and cleaner.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My opinion about global warming

Global warming is in increasing these days and it may affect the environment badly. Every one of us has to do something to reduce the effect of the global warming. The government has the major role to reduce the damage of the global warming.

First and foremost , the government should imposed the industrial nations and companies to use less of fossil fuels especially oils and gasoline. Because these produce carbon and other type of non-necessary gases. These nations and companies have a great ability to switch to cutting-edge energy that produce less of these production. Reducing the use of oil and gasoline has a great benefit in reduction the global warming. Secondly, the government should reduce the use of green houses, because the gas the spread out from these houses make the earth warmer by providing the energy to the atmosphere. Also , the government can reduce the use of cars, trucks, and buses consume. Because the gas that spread from these vehicles has a important role in increasing the global warming .Instead of using the full gases transportation , the government can use electric and fuel-cell cars and buses, because it can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by using less or no gasoline. In addition, government can encourage consumers to use alternatives resources such as , bicycles and public transportation.

To sum up, global warming is a major and the government must play an important role to reduce the affections .Such as, use alternative resources and use less of transportation that work by gases.

Friday, November 7, 2008

An inconvenient truth

Al Gore interested in the environment of people who tried to solve the problem of global warming, which has been a concern around the world. Occur once the sun passing on the atmosphere leads to heating the Earth's climate and with IR waves affecting the atmosphere, where the slave to trapping more outgoing. Increase the level of co2 significantly in the atmosphere had high temperature, which will double in the coming years by fossil-fuel burning.

With clarity also face global warming and the presence of a large amount of melting glaciers will lead to shortage of drinking water and the low sun exported forty percent and increase the cooler ground in the last fifty years ago. Floods and hurricanes are natural disasters which have a significant impact on global warming and also caused the soil and increase evaporation.

Infectious diseases will increase automatically by the increased rainfall and gases that will affect people around the world. And melting snow from the strongest terms the consequences of global warming will raise sea level and lead to the sinking low.

There are several reasons for global warming, for example, the increase in population increase the consumption of natural resources. In addition there are misconceptions among the people has prevailed silver global warming as it believes that there is a balance between economic growth and the environment and also believe they can get any trace in solving the problem of carbon and climate.

There are solutions people should follow to protect future generations from the dangers of such as the use of renewable technology and efficient use of electricity housework and remove carbon capture and storage.